ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Copper/Zinc Oxide Catalysts. VIII. Crystal Structure of Zinc Maleate Dihydrate, Zn(C404H2)(H20)2 and its Comparison with the Structure of the Cu-Zn Analogue Zno,94Cuo.o6(C404H2)(H20)2

J. Černák, D. Mikloš, C. Kappenstein, I. Potočňák, J. Chomič, and F. Gérard

Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University, SK-041 54 Košice


Abstract: Single crystals of Zn(C404H2)(H20)2 (ZMH) were prepared and the crystal and molecular structure was determined. ZMH exhibits a 2-dimensional structure formed of extended layers stacked perpendicularly to the [010] direction like the structure of the copper-zinc analogue Zn0.94Cu0.06(C404H2)(H20)2 (ZCMH). The layers are built up of zinc atoms, maleate anions, and the two water molecules; each bridging maleate ligand is coordinated to three different zinc atoms through three carboxylate oxygen atoms. The close coordination sphere of the zinc atom contains the water molecules as well as three carboxylate oxygen atoms with all Zn-O distances shorter than 2.137(2) Å. The fourth oxygen atom of the maleate anion is at a longer distance from zinc (2.658(2) Å) and this atom is involved in an interlayer hydrogen bond. The unit cell parameters and volume of ZMH are smaller than for ZCMH despite the higher ionic radii of Zn2+ in comparison with Cu2+. This observation can be explained by the more deformed coordination polyhedron around the copper atom, which causes less efficient packing of the layers in the structure of ZCMH.

Full paper in Portable Document Format: 545a282.pdf


Chemical Papers 54 (5) 282–288 (2000)

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