ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Determination of Methyl Esters in Diesel Oils by Gas Chromatography - Validation of the Method
R. Wawrzyniak, W. Wasiak, and M. Frackowiak
Faculty of Chemistry, A. Mickiewicz University, PL-60 780 Poznan, Poland
E-mail: rafwawrz@amu.edu.pl
Abstract: The EU directives on the addition of bio-components to diesel oil in the form of methyl esters of fatty acids (FAME) require that the relevant laboratories should be able to estimate the content of these bio-components in oil. Assuming complexity of hydrocarbon matrix regarded, gas chromatography was selected as the corresponding analytical method allowing both quantitative and qualitative characterization of a fuel studied. For evaluation of FAME content in gasoline a standard gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and a polar capillary column was used. The proposed analytical procedure does not require special preliminary sample preparation and it is characterized by high accuracy and precision.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 596ba449.pdf
Chemical Papers 59 (6b) 449–452 (2005)