ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Kinetic salt effects in the reaction of permanganate ions with ferrocyanide ions in concentrated electrolyte solutions
M.M. Graciani, M.E. López, R. Leǒn, P. López, R. Jimenéz, and F. Sanchéz
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry,
University of Seville, Tramontana s/n, E-41012 Seville
Abstract: The oxidation of ferrocyanide by permanganate ion has been studied in
several electrolyte solutions over the concentration range of 0—6 mol dm-3 .
The observed kinetic salt effect may be interpreted as arising as a result of
ion—solvent interactions. In the case of magnesium salt, however, another
effect, probably that of a local hydrolysis, also contributes to the kinetic salt
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 445a651.pdf
Chemical Papers 44 (5) 651–657 (1990)