ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Ion radicals of substituted 2-furylethenetricarbonitriles (an ESR, quantum-chemical, and electrochemical study)
A. Staško, D. Berkeš, S. Biskupič, P. Pelikán, and J. Polakovič
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology,
Slovak Technical University, CS-81237 Bratislava
Abstract: Substituted 2-(5-X-2-furyl)-l,l,2-ethenetricarbonitriles acceptors with
X = CH3, H, CI, Br, I, and CN cathodically reduced form stable anion
radicals with electron spin density distributed over the whole molecule.
However, if X = N02 the spin density is centred on nitro group
(aN = 1.028 mT) and no spin density is observable on the ethenetricarbonitrile part of radical. The ESR spectra and INDO calculations imply the
hindered rotation around the furyl—ethene bond. The reaction products of
nitro derivative with arene or heteroarene donors are 2-(5-aryl- or heteroaryl-2-furyl)-1,1,2-ethenetricarbonitriles. Electrochemically they form cation
resp. anion radicals with electron spin density centred on aryl resp. furylethenetricarbonitrile part of the molecule. Generally, the reactions are electrochemically reversible with a consecutive chemical reaction. By cyclic
voltammetry measured redox potentials correlate well with the Hammett
constants of substituents and with INDO calculations.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 432a177.pdf
Chemical Papers 43 (2) 177–190 (1989)