ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Oscillating reaction of the belousov-zhabotinskii type with ninhydrin
Ľ. Treindl and B. Lacová
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Comenius University, CS-84215 Bratislava
Abstract: The topic of this paper is spectrophotometry and Polarographie study of
the oscillating reaction of the Belousov—Zhabotinskii type proceeding in
the presence and absence of air oxygen with ninhydrin as substrate. A
significant effect of stirring of the system on the course of the oscillating
reaction at 15°C was observed. Owing to this effect, the time of duration of
oscillations may increase even 17 times.
The thoroughly investigated dependence of the time of duration of the
oscillation on concentration of bromates, ninhydrin, and initial concentra
tion of the Br- ions is discussed from the viewpoint of the Field—Körös
—Noyes (FKN) mechanism. In this connection, the key role of the inter
mediate HBrO2 is corroborated.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 421a3.pdf
Chemical Papers 42 (1) 3–10 (1988)