ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Evaluation of medium effect on the absorption maxima of electronic spectra by Born functions of relative permittivity and refractive-index
V. Bekárek, Š. Bekárek, and F. Pavlát
Department of Analytical and Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Palacký University, CS-771 46 Olomouc
Abstract: Regression analysis of the by medium induced changes in the absorption
band position of ten model compounds showed that the product of the
Born's functions of relative permittivity (εr) and refractive index (n) in the
form f(εr., n2) = (εr — 1)/εr • (n2—1)/n2 is more efficient for the evaluation of
medium effect than recommended equations containing either Onsager's or
Mossotti's functions of relative permittivity and refractive index. An excellent correlation (R = 0.984) was found between Kamlet—Taft's n* polarity/polarizability parameters and the f(εr,n2) function with the set of 54
aprotic aliphatic solvents.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 422a197.pdf
Chemical Papers 42 (2) 197–203 (1988)