ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Electrical conductance of molten silicates. Application of the free volume theory
V. Daněk and T. Ličko
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Centre of Chemical Research,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, CS-842 36 Bratislava
Abstract: Elec. conductance in CaO-MgO-SiO2 melts is interpreted using the free-vol. theory proposed by Cohen and Turnbull (1959) for mass transport in liqs. The temp. dependence of the cond. activation energy was detd. Calcd. activation-energy values were used to test an exponential relation between cond. and temp. { χ= A'(c-c0)T-1/2 exp [ -k/(T-T0)]} derived on the basis of the free-vol. theory. Calcd. values of T0, which according to the applied theory should approach the transformation temp., decrease with increasing concn. of conductive particles, i.e. with successive destruction of the anionic network. Charge transport in the investigated system is satisfactorily described by the free-vol. theory, and the temp. T0 as well as the concn. of conductive particles are detg. factors of the cond.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 373a349.pdf
Chemical Papers 37 (3) 349–355 (1983)