ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Reactions of acetaldehyde in the preparation of pentaerythritol
L. Koudelka
Research Institute of Petrochemistry,
CS-972 71 Nováky
Abstract: On the basis of experimental material and theoretical mechanism of aldol
condensation two systems of rate equations describing the first step of the
reaction of formaldehyde with acetaldehyde giving rise to pentaerythritol have
been made up. The first model is based on the "classical" assumption of
constant concentration of carbanion while the second one is based on the
assumption that the carbanion behaves as a nonanalyzed intermediate. Both
procedures are almost equally precise for expressing the experimental material,
but the second one immediately supplies the values of rate constants and, for
this reason, it is more convenient for the study of mechanism. The relative
values of pseudoconstants and constants obtained by either procedure are in
good agreement with theoretical ideas concerning the relative rates of elementary steps in aldol condensation. Experimental data, rate relations, and the
values of rate constants of the reaction of acetaldehyde yielding acetaldol have
been also obtained in the scope of this work.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 373a369.pdf
Chemical Papers 37 (3) 369–383 (1983)