ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Influence of temperature, vanadium concentration, and degree of solution acidification on composition of the solid products. VI. Products of the reactions taking place in acidified solutions of strontium metavanadate
M. Drábik and Ľ. Žúrková
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Komenský University, 842 IS Bratislava
Abstract: The effect of temp., V concn., and degree of acidification of the soln. on the compn. of Sr polyvanadates arising in the system Sr(VO3)2-HClO4-H2O was investigated. According to variation of these conditions, 3 types of solid substances were formed: Sr(VO3)2.4H2O, SrV6O16.nH2O [nϵ6-10], and Sr1-xH2xV6O16.nH2O [xϵ0.3-0.6, nϵ5-8]. These substances were identified by means of chem. anal., x-ray diffraction, and IR spectroscopy. The last method was also used for investigating the shifts in absorption bands of IR spectra of the deuterated solid substances.
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Chemical Papers 36 (6) 799–808 (1982)