ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
The influence of temperature on the separation and characterization of steroids on non-polar glass capillary columns
J. Krupčík, G. A. F. M Rutten, and J. A Rijks
Department of Instrumental Analysis, University of Technology,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Abstract: A precise gas chromatograph for the anal. of steroids is described. Std. deviation of Kovats indexes of some steroid hydrocarbons, trimethylsilyl (TMS) and methoxime trimethylsilyl (MO-TMS) derivs. of steroids on nonpolar-coated glass capillary columns was <±0.5 index unit. This repeatability permits to study the temp. dependence of Kovats indexes of steroids. Some overlapped peaks can be resolved by changing the column temp. The temp. gradient values of the Kovats index (∂I/∂T) of TMS and MO-TMS derivs. of steroids depend on steric configurations, nature of functional groups, and on their positions in skelet. ∂I/∂T values could be valuable for the characterization of steric isomers, the mass spectra of which are not sufficient enough for identification purposes.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 304a469.pdf
Chemical Papers 30 (4) 469–479 (1976)