ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Systematic determination of the Slater-Condon parameters of atoms and ions with K(2)L(8)3sm3pn configurations
M. Liška, P. Pelikán, and L. Turi Nagy
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Technical University,
880 37 Bratislava
Abstract: Semiempirical values of the Slater-Condon parameters F2(3p,3p) and G1(3s,3p) for atoms from Mg to Cl with electron configuration K(2)L(8)3sm3pn were detd. from exptl. at. energy levels. The Slater-Condon parameters F0(3s,3s), F0(3s,3p), and F0(3p,3p) were calcd. by using the Anno electron transfer equations A+ + A+ → A + A2+. The obtained semiempirical values of the Slater-Condon parameters are suitable for use in semiempirical methods of calcn. of the electronic structure of mols.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 295a577.pdf
Chemical Papers 29 (5) 577–581 (1975)