ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Nonisothermal adsorption in a fixed bed of adsorbent
S. Kachaňák, V. Khandl, A. Moncmanová, M. Petríková, J. Valtýni, and A. Žúžiová
Department of Inorganic Technology, Slovak Technical University,
880 37 Bratislava
Abstract: The non-isothermal adsorption was investigated in the system benzene —molecular sieve Nalsit 13X using nitrogen as a carrier gas. The measurements
were performed at different gas velocities, concentrations of adsorbate,
and heights of the bed of sorbent. From a comparison of the break-through
curves expressed in transformed coordinates it became evident that a constantpattern sorption front was established in the system which was also
confirmed by the rinding that the temperature wave preceded the concentration
wave. The quantitative relationships were investigated on the basis of
the correlation between the temperature change and the value dQ/dt which
was proportional to the mass-transfer rate. In the subsequent quantitative
evaluation the dependence of differential heat of adsorption upon the amount
adsorbed was considered and these correlations were plotted in a graph
representing the change in temperature as a function of the product
dQ/dt. From these plots it is obvious that the character of graphs is different
for the ascending and descending part of the temperature curve.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 295a645.pdf
Chemical Papers 29 (5) 645–652 (1975)