ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Irregular structures in poly(vinyl chloride). I. Saturated structures
L. Valko, I. Tvaroška, and V. Kellö
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Slovak Technical University,
Abstract: In the present communication, consideration of the mechanism of dehydrochlorination
of PVC is mainly described on the basis of information
summarized from model-compounds studies. The semiempirical method
proposed by Vedeneyev was used to study the C —CI, C—H, and С —С
bonds in poly(vinyl chloride). Activation energies for elimination of hydrogen
chloride were calculated on the principle of the additivity of bond
energies of the four-centre activated complex, for various saturated abnormal
structures in the polymer molecule, such as branching, and head-
-to-head or tail-to-tail addition. Branched structures having a tertiary
chlorine appear to have a significant effect upon initiation of thermal dehydrochlorination.
The results of activation energies calculated empirically
for particular saturated structures show that the tendency of С — CI cleavage
depends on the electronegativity of carbon bonded chlorine.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 261a3.pdf
Chemical Papers 26 (1) 3–17 (1972)