ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
On Phthalides and 1,3-Indandiones. XLIII. Preparation of 2-(l-Naphthyl)-l,3-indandiones and 2-(2-Naphthyl)-l,3-indandiones Substituted in Position 5 of the Indandione Ring and in Position 4(1) of the Naphthalene Ring
M. Hrnčiarová and P. Hrnčiar
Department of Chemistry, Medical Faculty, Komenský University,
Bratislava 1
Abstract: The preparation of 5-X-2-(4-Y-l-naphthyl)-l,3-indandiones and 5-X-2-(l-Y-2-naphthyl)-l,3-indandiones from the corresponding phthalides by
rearrangement with sodium methoxide in methanol as well as by condensation
of 4-X-phthalic anhydrides with 1-naphthylacetic acid and 2-naphthylacetic
acid, respectively, in the presence of triethylamine is described.
The starting 5(6)-X-3-(l-Y-2-naphthal)phthalides were obtained by chlorination,
bromination, and nitration of 5(6)-X-3-(2-naphthal)phthalides.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 253a215.pdf
Chemical Papers 25 (3) 215–221 (1971)