ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Synthesis and the thermogravimetric investigation of complexes of titanium(III) chloride with aliphatic alcohols
M. Zikmund, Ľ. Štepničková, and K. Hrnčiarová
Institut für anorganische Chemie der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Abstract: The solid complexes TiCl3.4MeOH, TiCl3.4EtOH, TiCl3.3PrOH, TiCl3.3iso-PrOH, and TiCl3.3iso-BuOH were prepd. from TiCl3 and the aliphatic alcs. and analyzed thermogravimetrically. Powd. H2O-free TiCl3 is ground with 0.25-1M alc. in hexane, heptane, or C6H6 in a rotating glass ball reactor for 1-10 hrs., depending on the type of alc. Thermogravimetric anal. of TiCl3.5MeOH and TiCl3.4iso-PrOH under N atm. and reduced pressure indicates that there is a partial alcoholysis with a formation of Ti(III) haloalkoxides.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 2212a917.pdf (in German)
Chemical Papers 22 (12) 917–928 (1968)