ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Ethanol production in a bioreactor with an integrated membrane distillation module
Marta Barancewicz and Marek Gryta
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Institute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, ul. Pu-laskiego 10, 70-322 Szczecin, Poland
E-mail: marek.gryta@zut.edu.pl
Abstract: Ethanol production in a bioreactor with integrated membrane distillation (MD) module has been investigated. A hydrophobic
capillary polypropylene membrane (Accurel PP V8/2 HF), with an external/internal diameter ratio, d
in = 8.6 mm/5.5 mm and pore size 0.2 μm, was used in these studies. The products (mainly ethanol and acetic acid) formed during
the fermentation of sugar with Saccharomyces cerevisiae inhibited the process. These products were selectively removed from the fermentation broth by the MD process, which increased
the efficiency of the conversion of sugar to alcohol from 0.45 g to 0.5 g EtOH per g of fermented sucrose. The bioreactor
efficiency also increased by almost 30 %. Separation of alcohol by the MD generates a higher yield of ethanol in the permeate
than in the broth. The enrichment coefficient amounted to 4-8, and depended on the ethanol concentration in the broth. The
separated solutions did not wet the membrane in use for 2500 h of the MD experiments and the retention of inorganic solutes
was close to 100 %.
Keywords: bioreactor – membrane distillation – bioethanol
Full paper is available at www.springerlink.com.
DOI: 10.2478/s11696-011-0088-0
Chemical Papers 66 (2) 85–91 (2012)