ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Hricovíni

Heparin composition: calculation based on elemental analysis and NMR data 349 355
Ivan Šimkovic, Michal Raab, Raniero Mendichi, Alena Manová, Alberto Giacometti Schieroni, and Miloš Hricovíni Vol. 74, 1
New series of quinazolinone derived Schiff’s bases: synthesis, spectroscopic properties and evaluation of their antioxidant and cytotoxic activity 1041 1053
Zuzana Hricovíniová, Michal Hricovíni, and Katarína Kozics Vol. 72, 4
Stereospecific Molybdic Acid-Catalyzed Isomerization of D-Fructose to Branched-Chain Aldose. The Synthesis of D-Hamamelose 692 698
Z. Hricovíniová, M. Hricovíni, and L. Petruš Vol. 52, 5
Molybdic Acid-Catalyzed Mutual Interconversions of 2-C-(Hydroxymethyl)-D-glucose with D-manno-Hept-2-ulose and 2-C-(Hydroxymethyl)-D-mannose with D-gluco-Hept-2-ulose 238 243
Z. Hricovíniová, M. Hricovíni, M. Petrušová, M. Matulová, and L. Petruš Vol. 52, 4
Preparation of 2- C-Hydroxymethyl-D-mannose and -D-glucose and Their Stereospecific and Irreversible Rearrangements to v-gluco and D-manno-Heptulose under the Conditions of the Bílik Reaction 373 374
L. Petruš, Z. Hricovíniová, M. Petrušová, and M. Matulová Vol. 50, 6
Effect of Cross-Correlation between Dipolar and Chemical Shift Anisotropy Relaxation Mechanisms upon the 13C Relaxation Rates in Pentasaccharide Fragment from Heparin 211 213
M. Hricovíni and G. Torri Vol. 48, 3
5H-Isoindolo[1,2-b][3]benzazepines. 9. The 1H and 13C NMR Spectra of 5H-isoindolo[1,2-b][3]benzazepin-5-ones 339 343
S. Uhrínová, D. Uhrín, M. Hricovíni, and B. Proksa Vol. 46, 5
Saccharide Constituents of Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) Seeds. 2. Isolation and Characterization of the Starch 196 198
Z. Hricovíniová and K. Babor Vol. 46, 3
Saccharide constituents of horse chestnut (Aesculus-hippocastanum L.) seeds. 1. Monosaccharides and their isolation 553 558
Z. Hricovíniová and K. Babor Vol. 45, 4
Stereoselective synthesis and 13C NMR spectra of lower oligosaccharides related to arabinoxylan 395 402
J. Hirsch, E. Petráková, and M. Hricovíni Vol. 43, 3

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