ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Mass Spectrometric Study of 8-Azaxanthine Derivatives
V. Kováčik, A. Rybár, and A. Bozóová
Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK-842 38 Bratislava
Abstract: N-3 and N-9 derivatives of 8-azaxanthine have been studied using electron impact mass spectrometry. Mass-analyzed metastable ion kinetic energy, linked scan at the constant B/E, collision-induced dissociation methods, as well as high-resolution measurements have been used for evaluation of complete fragmentation schemes. Two fragmentation pathways of 8-azaxanthine skeleton begin by the elimination of CH3NCO or N2 molecule. The primary elimination of nitrogen molecules is characteristic difference in fragmentation routes of 8-azaxanthines in comparison to purine. Another pathway leads to fragmentation of the N-3 and N-9 substituents.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 486a415.pdf
Chemical Papers 48 (6) 415–422 (1994)